Regulatory Submission Regulatory Reporting Complex Reporting Data Configuration Data Traceability Data Visualisation Reporting Rules Reporting Templates
At Ducksoup, we provide innovative cost-effective solutions that can assist Health Insurers and Superannuation providers simplify and streamline their reporting processes, whilst maintaining a strong control framework and keeping pace with Regulatory change.

The Software Solution

Core Platform

The core-platform is the foundation of the reporting process, it provides the ability to load, validate and transform data prior to the reporting process.

Data Mapping and Validation

A flexible solution that supports organisation specific data structures. Data validated against configurable data quality rules. Data quality issues are highlighted at the outset.

Data Enrichment and Adjustment

Capability to perform complex calculations and data enrichment, such as specific data classifications. Support multiple levels of adjustment, including data and report level.

The Reporting Solution

Reporting Rules

Pre-configured with reporting rules with the option to override or create additional reporting rules. Clear data visualisation and user friendly configuration.


Solution contains the latest reporting templates, data is automatically populated into the reporting template ready for analytical review.

Report Submission

Supports the electronic submission of data to the regulator, including the translation of manually completed templates into the required electronic format.

Audit Trail

Solution provides clear traceability of data from the core platform, through the reporting rules and into the final report template. Cross validation can be applied to further ensure the consistency of reporting.

Complete data transparency. Reduce operational risk. Improved data controls. Verifiable time and cost savings.


For more information about how Ducksoup can help you, please submit your details below.

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